
Customized industry solutions

Wastewater treatment and water recycling with state-of-the-art technologies for a wide range of industries

Industry Solutions


Hotels produce large quantities of wastewater every day from guest operations, restaurants and wellness areas. Our MobiWater®-MBBR-Container-Kläranlagen bieten hierfür eine effiziente und umweltfreundliche Lösung.  Dank des platzsparenden Designs lassen sich die Anlagen auch auf begrenztem Raum problemlos installieren.

Efficient reuse of purified water significantly reduces operating costs, while a sustainable, environmentally conscious profile strengthens your competitive position in the hospitality industry.

Our modern technologies such as MBBR and MBR ensure reliable wastewater treatment that meets the highest environmental standards. With MobiWater® you combine economic efficiency and ecological responsibility and create added value for your guests and the long-term success of your business.


Industry Solutions


Viele Gemeinden stehen vor der Herausforderung, Abwasser effizient und nachhaltig aufzubereiten – sei es aufgrund wachsender Bevölkerungszahlen, strengeren Umweltvorschriften oder begrenztem Platzangebot.          Besonders für abgelegene Ortschaften, die keinen Zugang zu zentralen Kläranlagen haben, sind flexible und leistungsstarke Lösungen unverzichtbar.

Our MobiWater®-MBBR-Container-Kläranlage offers a tailor-made solution for communities with 2,000 to 10,000 inhabitants. The optional reuse of treated water enables significant resource conservation and additional cost efficiency.

MobiWater® provides municipalities with a flexible, resource-saving and economical solution that fulfils the highest environmental standards and is ideally suited to the requirements of modern water management.


Industry Solutions


Independent building complexes such as hospitals, but also schools or hotels produce large amounts of wastewater every day.

In order to process these in a space-saving and central manner, effective and robust solutions such as our MobiWater®-MBBR-Container-Treatment Plant.

Our 40 ft. container for example can be sufficient to clean the sewage of a 500-bed hospital and discharge it without any harm to the environment.


Industry Solutions

Military camps

Modular water management just the way we like it:

The combination of activated sludge treatment with the latest membrane technology not only saves a lot of space, but also achieves a bacteria and particle-free clarification process.

In mostly remote areas, the supply of clean water is much more complex and expensive. This makes effective reuse of wastewater all the more important here. Unlike other submersible filter systems, our membrane is a "real" ultrafiltration membrane. It offers a significantly higher retention rate than microfiltration. An additional pre-treatment is necessary for the MobiWater®-MBR-Container-Treatment Plant not necessary, as we meet and sometimes even exceed the European regulations for bathing water quality (2006/7 / EC).

Furthermore, with a subsequent reverse osmosis system, we achieve drinking water quality and a reuse rate of up to 80% of municipal wastewater.

Industry Solutions

Wastewater treatment in the food industry

When making food and beverages, a lot of water is used for production and cleaning. Often this process-water is heavily contaminated after use.

To meet strict environmental requirements, such wastewater must be cleaned and treated before it can be discharged into the environment or the following sewage system.

From an ecological point of view, it also becomes increasingly important to consider purification for reusing wastewater in your production process.

Wastewater Solutions Group offers holistic solutions for the entire wastewater cleaning-process for the food and beverage industry, such as in slaughterhouses or in meat processing, in dairies or breweries and many more.

en_USEnglish (United States)